Mar 12, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Nursing A.A.S. (A45110)

Location(s): Carrington-Scott Campus (Graham Campus)

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Program Description

The Associate Degree Nursing curriculum provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide nursing care to clients and groups of clients throughout the life span in a variety of settings. Courses will include content related to the individual, the healthcare system and nursing. Course content will also relate to the nurse’s role that is characterized by evidence based clinical practice in the provision of client care. Graduates of this program are eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) which is required for practice as a Registered Nurse.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this program should be able to:

  • Practice professional nursing behaviors incorporating personal responsibility and accountability for continued competence.
  • Communicate effectively with individuals, significant support person(s), and members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team.
  • Integrate knowledge of the holistic needs of the individual to provide an individual centered assessment.
  • Incorporate informatics to formulate evidence-based clinical judgments and management decisions.
  • Implement caring interventions incorporating documented best practices for individuals in diverse settings.
  • Develop a teaching plan for individuals incorporating teaching and learning principles.
  • Collaborate with the interdisciplinary healthcare team, as an advocate for the individual, to achieve positive individual and organizational outcomes.
  • Manage healthcare for the individual using cost effective nursing strategies, quality improvement processes, and current technologies.
  • Prioritize assessments and client-centered nursing interventions relevant to clinical decision making.

Articulation Agreements

• 2+2 with UNC Greensboro Nursing Program


Students are admitted under the Associate in General Education degree until they have met the admissions requirements for the program.


Phase I: Preliminary Coursework and Requirements

  1. The first steps for students seeking admission to the Nursing program include:
  • Full admission to the College in the Pre-Nursing program
  • Completion of required developmental courses
  • Submission of official transcripts of all postsecondary education for which transfer credit will be sought
  1. Students seeking admission must provide documentation of the successful completion of a North Carolina-approved Certified Nurse Aide I program which includes theory, lab and clinical components requiring no less than 40 hours of clinical experience. Applicants must also be actively registered with the N.C. Nurse Aide 1 Registry. If available, it is recommended that high school students complete the Nursing Fundamentals HN43 course and obtain their Certified Nurse Aide I certification with a grade of “B” or better to accelerate their pre- nursing steps toward consideration for the Nursing program.
  2. Students seeking admission must attend a mandatory information session about the program. Information about the dates and locations of these sessions is provided in the Student Success Office and on the College website on the Nursing page.
  3. Students seeking admission must meet with a Health Sciences Advisor for their initial advising appointment after attending the mandatory Nursing Information Session. The Health Sciences Advisor will review admission requirements and assist in developing an academic plan.
  4. Students seeking admission must complete BIO 168 , BIO 169 , ENG 111 , and MAT 143  or MAT 152  with a grade of “C” or better. High school students seeking admission must meet the same criteria as a non-high school student.
  5. Health report including immunization record completed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physicians’s assistant. The report must be current, using the form supplied by the College, and submitted by the specified date.
  6. Proof of immunization is required in advance as part of the application process. The following immunizations are required:
  • DPT or Td Booster; Polio; 2 Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) or titer; and Tuberculin skin test or chest x- ray.
  • Immunization for Hepatitis B
  • Immunization for COVID-19
  • Seasonal influenza shot

Religious or medical exemptions to the above immunizations must be approved by the assigned clinical site(s) to be granted entry to their facility for direct patient care.

Phase II: Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)

All students seeking admission must take a Nursing Program Assessment exam (TEAS) prior to the Nursing program application deadline. If the test was taken at another testing location, an official score report must be provided. Only scores from the current version of TEAS no more than two years old are accepted. The test may be taken a maximum of two times per calendar year, with the highest score being accepted. A composite score of 58 or higher is required to be considered for the Nursing program.

Phase III: Ranking/Selective Process

In order to academically compete for a seat in the Nursing program, a student must complete the Nursing Selective Admission Application. This application will be made available at the front desk in the Admissions Office and on the Nursing page of the College website after November 1 for the January 31 Nursing application deadline. All minimum requirements listed in Phase I and II must be completed successfully before a student can apply and compete for a seat in the Nursing program. Details of this process and the criteria used to rank a student will be covered at the mandatory Nursing Information Session.

Progression and Continuation

Alamance Community College is committed to the success of students. In order to progress in the Nursing program, the student is required to do the following:

  1. Maintain an overall quality grade point average of 2.0.
  2. Maintain a grade of 80 (“B”) or better in all Nursing (NUR) courses.
  3. Pass a dosage calculation exam in specified Nursing (NUR) courses.
  4. Demonstrate satisfactory completion in the clinical setting.
  5. Pass any general education course required by the Nursing program with a grade of “C” or better.
  • A student may repeat a Nursing (NUR) course only once within a two-year period.
  • If a student fails two Nursing (NUR) courses in the same semester, the student will not be eligible to seek readmission into the program.
  • If a student fails a Nursing (NUR) and a general education course that is required as part of the Nursing program in the same semester, the student is not eligible to seek readmission into the program.


Students who have earned a “C” or “D” in a Nursing (NUR) course will be considered for readmission using the following criteria:

  • Readmission must occur within two years of an academic or clinical dismissal/failure or withdrawal. A student may repeat a nursing course only once.
  • If a student does not seek readmission within the 2 year period then the student will be required to reapply to start the program over in the first nursing course (NUR 111 ), and must follow the current admission criteria.
  • Must have a grade point average of 2.0 to return.
  • Returning students will be considered on a competitive basis with the current applicant pool.
  • If a student withdraws or fails NUR 111 , the student would have to reapply for the program and follow the current admission criteria.
  • If a student fails two nursing courses in the same semester the student will not be eligible to seek readmission back into the program.
  • If a student fails a nursing course and a general education course that is required as part of the nursing program in the same semester, the student will not be eligible to seek readmission back into the program.
  • A student who makes a grade of “F” in any nursing course, will not be eligible to seek readmission back into the program.

Students who withdraw from the Nursing program:

  • Must have completed previous Nursing (NUR) courses with a grade of “B” or better within the past two years. The exception is if the student withdraws from NUR 111  (the first required Nursing course) resulting in no earned grade. Students may then seek readmission.
  • Readmission must occur within two years of an academic dismissal/failure or withdrawal. A student who makes a grade of “F” in any Nursing (NUR) course will not be considered for readmission.
  • If the student has completed all general education courses for the nursing program, then continuous enrollment will not be required. However, if the student still has general education courses to take that are part of the nursing curriculum, then continuous enrollment should be considered. Continuous enrollment involves fall/spring semesters. It does not include summer semester.

The applicant must complete the following steps when seeking readmission:

  • If the student has completed all general education courses for the nursing program, then continuous enrollment will not be required. However, if the student still has general education courses to take that are part of the nursing curriculum, then continuous enrollment should be considered. Continuous enrollment involves fall/spring semesters. It does not include summer semester.
  • Submit a letter requesting readmission to the Admissions Counselor for Health Science Programs Student Success/ Admissions/Regina Artis ( and Nursing Department Head. Student contact information and ID must be included in the letter (e-mail address and phone number).
  • The letter must be submitted 60 days prior to the semester when readmission is desired. (Example if seeking readmission in spring which starts in January, the letter must be submitted at least by the end of October). Can be submitted much earlier.
  • When seeking readmission the student must address the following questions:
    • Following a self-reflection, document the reason(s) you believe you were unsuccessful completing NUR XXX. Be specific.
    • Following a self-reflection, what barriers or challenges did you experience during NUR XXX that contributed to you being unsuccessful?
    • Based on the conclusions you reached in question 1 and 2, how have you resolved the specific issues that contributed to you being unsuccessful and what changes have you made?
    • Document your action plan to achieve success in NUR XXX. In other words, what will you do differently to ensure your success? Be specific.
  • Meet with the Nursing Department Head and bring a written plan detailing academic success upon readmission.

Readmitted/returning students must meet all current requirements for readmission. Readmission is not guaranteed.

  • The following criteria will be used in evaluating request for readmission:
    • Available clinical space.
    • Grades earned in core nursing courses
    • A grade of “C” or higher in any general education course is required in the program.
  • Before being admitted into the nursing program:
    • The student is allowed to repeat general education course(s) to improve grades.
  • After being admitted into the nursing program:
    • Failing a general education and nursing course in any semester together makes the student ineligible for readmission.

If readmission is approved, a detailed letter will be sent to the student with details of how to proceed. 


Students transferring into the Nursing program must meet the following requirements:

  1. The student seeking transfer must file an application in the ACC Admissions Office. The ACC application must indicate that this is a transfer request and the semester and year in which the student wishes to transfer. The student must apply and enter within two years of leaving the previous educational institution.
  2. The student requesting transfer must meet the College and Associate Degree Nursing program admission requirements for the academic year into which he/she transfers.
  3. The student must have been in good standing at the time he/she left the previous nursing program and must provide a written recommendation from the Dean/Department Chair of the previous nursing program.
  4. The student must have a grade point average of at least a 2.0 in all academic work completed.
  5. The individual must meet with the Nursing Program Department Head who will review course outlines from the nursing program in which the student was previously enrolled. This review will determine the student’s potential placement into the ACC Nursing program. This review must occur no later than three months prior to the beginning of the desired semester of entry.
  6. Selection for transfer will be based on date of application, if Nursing (NUR) courses transferring will fit into placement of ACC Nursing program, available clinical space, and meeting of the above criteria.
  7. The individual must submit a completed Student Medical Form which is required for Human Services programs, documentation of current American Heart Association CPR certification and proof of major medical insurance.
  8. Complete a criminal background check and drug screen (student is responsible for fees).
  9. In order to graduate from ACC, the student must have earned at least 50% of the required hours and taken at least 25% of the major course work required in the Nursing program at ACC. Within the Nursing department, departmental policy limits transfer for nursing courses to NUR 111  and NUR 117 . These courses must have been taken no more than two years prior to enrollment at the College with a grade of “B” or better.

All transfer credit is awarded according to institutional policy as well as departmental policy.

Technical Standards

Students entering the program must meet specific emotional, behavioral, physical, and cognitive standards. This information is found in the admissions office and in the program handbook.

Students qualifying for special accommodations to these standards must contact the Disability Services Coordinator at 336-506-4130 for more specific information.

Criminal Background/Drug Screen Checks

Clinical agencies with which the College has contracted to provide clinical experiences for nursing students require students to submit criminal background checks and drug screening in order to participate in clinical experiences at the site. The background check and drug screen will determine if a student is eligible to enter the clinical agency. Students are responsible for the cost of the background check and drug screen.

If a clinical site denies a student placement in the facility, the student would be unable to complete the required clinical component of the course. The student will be withdrawn from all NUR courses and will not be allowed to progress in the program.

Currently the nursing program uses an online vendor for background checks and drug screening.

Applicants to the nursing program should be aware that if they have pled guilty to or been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (other than minor traffic violation), the NC Board of Nursing may restrict or deny licensure. The NC Board of Nursing requires criminal history checks for each person applying for licensure to practice in the state of North Carolina.

Additional Program Costs

The Nursing curriculum has additional costs associated with it. Students who enroll in this program are required to pay for such items as certification exams, achievement tests, uniforms, supplies, and the like. Many of these are required as part of the curriculum, but are not provided by the College. Additional expenses required for this program are listed below with approximate costs.

  • Required textbooks-$600
  • Uniforms/supplies-$150
  • Nursing kits (supplies)-$160
  • Other achievement testing-$1000
  • Vaccinations and required physical-$300
  • CPR-$35
  • Liability insurance-$16 per year
  • Criminal background check and urinary drug screen-$92
  • NCLEX review-$450
  • NCLEX-RN exam for licensure-$300
  • Electronic Health Record EHR-$55
  • Rotation manager (clinical placement)-$25

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