Feb 06, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program

Advanced Placement exams may be used for college credits in the following areas if score requirements have been met. Students should note that individual departments might require that this competency is current before advising students to enroll in higher-level coursework. Some departments also require that scores are current for admission into their program. Official score reports should be sent to the Registrar’s Office.

For exams taken that are not on this list, contact the Registrar’s Office for guidance/credit.

Exam Min. Required Score Hours Granted ACC Courses
Biology 3 4 BIO 111
Biology 4 8 BIO 111/112
Chemistry 3 4 CHM 151
Chemistry 4 8 CHM 151/152
Computer Science 3 3 CIS 115
Economics - Micro 3 3 ECO 251
Economics - Macro 3 3 ECO 252
English Language & Composition 3 3 ENG 111
English Language & Composition 4 6 ENG 111/112
Environmental Science 3 4 BIO 140/140A
Government & Politics 3 3 POL 120
Math Calculus AB 3 4 MAT 271
Math Calculus AB 4 8 MAT 271/272
Math Calculus BC 3 4 MAT 271
Math Calculus BC 4 8 MAT 271/272
Physics B 3, 4 4 PHY 151
Physics B 5 8 PHY 151/152
Physics C 3, 4 4 PHY 251
Physics C 5 8 PHY 251/252
Psychology 3 3 PSY 150
Spanish 3 3 SPA 111
Spanish 4 6 SPA 111/112
Statistics 3 4 MAT 152
US History 3 6 HIS 131/132
Western Civilization I 50 3 HIS 121
Western Civilization II 50 3 HIS 122
World History 3 6 HIS 111/112