Feb 06, 2025
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Denial of Admission
The President or the President’s designee of Alamance Community College has the authority to refuse admission to any applicant during any period of time that the applicant is suspended or expelled from any other educational entity. The President of Alamance Community College may deny admission to any applicant, upon recommendation of the Vice President of Student Success, if it is necessary to protect the safety of the applicant or other individuals. When making a determination to deny admission, the President should consider whether there is an articulable, imminent, and significant threat to the applicant or other individuals. Further, if a decision is made to deny admission on the basis of a safety threat, the President or President’s designee shall document the following:
- Detailed facts supporting the rationale for denying admission;
- The time period within which the refusal to admit shall be applicable and the supporting rationale for the designated time period; and,
- The conditions upon which the applicant who is refused could be eligible to be admitted.
The President may also deny admission on the basis of academic considerations or lack of program capacity, upon recommendation of the Vice President of Instruction, consistent with academic requirements established by the College.
Grievances related to denial of admission will be addressed through the process outlined in Admissions Policy 5.1.1, section II B “Appeal of Admissions Denials.” Policies are accessed online at alamancecc.edu/policies.