The University Transfer Program offers eight degrees at Alamance Community College: the Associate in Arts (AA) degree, Associate in Arts (AA)-Online degree, the Associate in Arts Teacher Preparation (AATP) degree, the Associate in Engineering (AE) degree, the Associate in Fine Arts-Music Concentration (AFA), the Associate in Fine Arts-Visual Arts Concentration (AFA), the Associate in Science (AS) degree, and the Associate in Science Teacher Preparation (ASTP) degree. Each degree requires a total of 60 semester hours credit for graduation and is transferable to any UNC institution. The overall total is comprised of both lower-division general education and pre-major elective courses. This curriculum reflects the distribution of discipline areas commonly included in institution-wide, lower-division general education requirements for the baccalaureate degree. All degrees are transferable. Please review the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement, Uniform Articulation Agreements, Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement, and the Articulation Agreements listed under each degree to review transfer options.
The Associate in Arts (AA) degree is designed for students who want to pursue a four-year degree in one of the liberal arts disciplines or training at a professional school that requires a strong liberal arts background. This degree is appropriate for students who would like to pursue a bachelor in arts in humanities, social sciences, business, communication, marketing, psychology, and social work.
The Associate in Arts (AA) Online degree is designed for students who want to pursue a four-year degree in one of the liberal arts disciplines or training at a professional school that requires a strong liberal arts background. This degree is appropriate for students who would like to pursue a bachelor in arts in humanities, social sciences, business, communication, marketing, psychology, and social work.
The Associate in Arts Teacher Preparation (AATP) degree is designed for students interested in transferring to a four-year institution to pursue a bachelor in arts education. The degree is appropriate for students who would like to become K-12 teachers specializing in art, language arts/English, history, humanities, music, physical education, and social studies.
The Associate in Engineering (AE) degree is designed for students who plan to study engineering. Students who follow the degree progression plan will meet the entrance requirements at all of the North Carolina public Bachelor of Science Engineering programs.
The Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) is designed for students who want to pursue a four-year degree in music or visual arts.
The Associate in Science (AS) degree is designed for students who want to pursue a four-year degree in areas of study such as biology, chemistry, mathematics, or professional programs that require strong mathematics and science backgrounds.
The Associate in Science Teacher Preparation (ASTP) degree is designed for students interested in transferring to a four-year institution to pursue a bachelors in STEM education. The degree is appropriate for students who would like to become K-12 teachers specializing in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
The AA, AE, AFA, AS, AATP, and ASTP degree programs of study are structured to include two components:
- Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) comprises a minimum of 22 semester hours of credit. These courses are guaranteed to transfer to any of the 16 constituent institutions of the UNC system as general education credit.
- Additional general education, pre-major, and elective courses that prepare students for successful transfer into selected majors at UNC institutions and bring the total number of hours in the degree programs to 60 semester hours.
Students must meet the receiving university’s foreign language and/or health and physical education requirements, if applicable, prior to or after transfer to the senior institution. To ensure maximum transferability of credits, students should select a transfer major and preferred transfer university before completing 30 semester hours of credit. Additional general education, pre-major, and elective courses should be selected based on a student’s intended major and transfer institution.
Students should maintain contact with their academic advisors to ensure proper course selection to complete their degree and prepare for transfer to a senior institution. In some cases and by special permission, a course not listed in the curriculum plan may be approved for an individual student’s program of study.
Guarantees Provided by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) Between the University of North Carolina and the North Carolina Community College System
- The CAA enables North Carolina community college students who graduate with an Associate in Arts (AA) or Associate in Science (AS) degree who are admitted to constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina to transfer with junior status.
- Universities cannot place requirements on students transferring under the CAA that are not required of their native students.
- A student who completes the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree prior to transfer to a UNC institution will have fulfilled the UNC institution’s lower-division general education requirements.
- Each UNC campus will establish and publish a campus policy/guideline outlining the campus decision whether a student who receives an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree through reverse transfer will have fulfilled the UNC institution’s lower-division general education requirements.
- Due to degree requirements in some majors, additional courses at the UNC institution may be required beyond the general education courses and pre-major courses taken at the community college.
- Community college graduates of the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree programs who have earned 60 semester hours in approved transfer courses with a grade of “C” or better in each course and an overall GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale will receive at least 60 semester hours of academic credit upon admission to a UNC institution.
- Requirements for admission to some major programs may require additional pre-specialty courses beyond the premajor taken at the community college. Students entering such programs may need more than two academic years of course work to complete the baccalaureate degree, depending on requirements of the program.
- All courses approved for transfer in the CAA are designated as fulfilling general education or pre-major/elective requirements. While general education and pre-major courses may also be used as electives, elective courses may not be used to fulfill general education requirements.
- CAA courses taken beyond the 60-61 SHC of credit in which the student received less than a “C” will not negate the provisions of the CAA.
Before beginning the University Transfer program, students not meeting specific admission criteria must take ACC’s placement test. Based on these test scores, students may be required to take transition courses before registering for certain courses. Visiting students will be required to provide evidence of completion of prerequisite courses at another institution.
Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (ICAA) between North Carolina Community Colleges and the Signatory Institutions of North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU).
The College is part of the Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (ICAA) between the North Carolina Community College System and the Signatory Institutions of North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU). This agreement allows for a student who complete an Associate in Arts (AA) or Associate in Science (AS) to transfer to one of the many private colleges and universities in North Carolina.
Uniform Articulation Agreements (UAA) Between North Carolina Community Colleges and with those constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina
Whereas, the Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) degrees are covered by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA), the Associate in Engineering (AE) and Associate in Fine Art-Music, the Associate in Fine Arts Visual Arts, the Associate in Arts Teacher Preparation (AATP), and the Associate in Science Teacher Preparation (ASTP) degrees are governed by a program specific Uniform Articulation Agreement (UAA). Degrees under a UAA are only accepted at institutions that have the specific degree programs and these programs are competitive. Admissions to the Associate in Engineering (AE) and the Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) degree programs at four year institutions are not guaranteed.
For more information on the CAA, UAA, ICAA and other College Transfer Articulation Agreements, visit:
Special Transfer Agreements:
Alamance Community College has signed special agreements with colleges and universities to improve access to an undergraduate education. Below is a list of the special agreements that ACC has signed for the University Transfer Program.
For more information, visit:
Campbell University: Guaranteed Interview Program & Passport Program
Alamance Community College and Campbell University have signed an agreement that opens the door for qualified ACC students to pursue careers as health professionals in the University’s College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS).The agreement provides two pathways toward full admission to Campbell University for high-achieving ACC students: the Guaranteed Interview Program and the Passport Program. Campbell’s Guaranteed Interview Program allows students with at least 64 credit hours and a cumulative 3.0 GPA to be granted an admissions interview for programs in the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, following an acknowledged rigorous health science curriculum at Alamance Community College. The Passport Program allows ACC students who come from rural areas, low socioeconomic status, and are underrepresented minorities to be granted an interview for programs in the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences after matriculating through a pre-health curriculum at ACC. The candidate must also have at least 64 credit hours, a science-related and cumulative 3.2 GPA, and have demonstrated high engagement in leadership activities and community service.
Elon University
Alamance Community College has signed an articulation agreement with Elon University. Elon University will guarantee transfer admission, waiver of application fee, acceptance of maximum of 65 community college credits that have Elon University equivalents, and grant full junior status to all graduates of designated Alamance Community College in Arts or Associate in Science Degree programs who have followed applicable Elon University prescribed course selections while completing Alamance Community College program requirements, and earned a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.70.
Guilford College
Alamance Community College has signed an articulation agreement with Guilford College. Guilford College will guarantee transfer admission, waiver of application fee, acceptance of maximum of 64 community college credits that have Guilford College equivalents, and grant full junior status to all graduates of designated Alamance Community College Associate Degree programs who have followed applicable Guilford College prescribed course selections while completing Alamance Community College program requirements, and earned a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.50.
Lees-McRae College
Alamance Community College has signed an articulation agreement with Lees-McRae College. ACC graduates are guaranteed enrollment at Lees-McRae College, if they earn an associate’s degree and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA. The Guaranteed Admission Program is open to all ACC students who meet certain academic requirements to transfer and complete a bachelor’s degree at Lees-McRae College. Requirements to programs at Lees-McRae College may vary depending on the program. Lees-McRae College will also offer a Transfer Merit Scholarship for ACC graduates who qualify.
NC A&T State University: Elementary Education Program
Alamance Community College has signed an articulation agreement with NC A&T State University. Students who earn an Associate in Arts degree at ACC can transfer to N.C. A&T State University as a junior in the School of Education for the final two years of coursework for the Bachelor of Science Degree.
Special Transfer Agreements: Co-Admission Programs
Alamance Community College has signed agreements with the following universities that allow students to be admitted to the university while the student completes an Associate Degree at ACC. The goal of these programs is to provide academic and program support for students during their time at ACC and prepare them for a successful transition to a university.
East Carolina University: Pirate Promise
The Pirate Promise Program is a partnership with ECU that is designed to improve transfer student access and success. Qualified students receive guaranteed admission to ECU upon completing an Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Engineering, Associate in Fine Arts, the Associate in Applied Science (AAS), Early Childhood Education, and, those AAS programs eligible for transfer to ECU’s Bachelor of Science Industrial Technology (BSIT). Students must graduate with a cumulative GPA 2.5 or higher from ACC to be eligible for Pirate Promise.
High Point University: Fred Wilson School of Pharmacy
Alamance Community College (ACC) and High Point University’s Fred Wilson School of Pharmacy (FWSOP) have entered into a collaborative agreement to provide ACC students with the opportunity to pursue a career in pharmacy education. Under this agreement, ACC students who fulfill the prerequisites for the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program can apply to the Fred Wilson School of Pharmacy. Successful completion of the pre-pharmacy course requirements may also result in an interview for admission into the PharmD program. This partnership offers a clear pathway for ACC students who aspire to become pharmacists and obtain a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from High Point University.
North Carolina State University: C3
The Community College Collaboration (C3) is a partnership with NC State University that guarantees enrollment if the student earns an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Engineering degree. Students must graduate ACC with a 3.0 GPA or higher. Entry into specific majors may be more competitive.
North Carolina A&T State University: The Aggie Plus Program
The Aggie Plus Program is a partnership with North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NCATSU) that is designed to offer a seamless transition for students from Alamance Community College to the University. Aggie Plus participants must complete an Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), or Associate in Engineering (AE) degree prior to transferring to NCATSU. Participants must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA and obtain a “C” or better on all transferable coursework.
North Carolina Wesleyan University
Alamance Community College (ACC) and North Carolina Wesleyan University (NCWU) have collaborated to create an agreement that aims to enhance and expand the educational opportunities for students graduating with an Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), Associate in Fine Arts (AFA), Associate of Engineering (AE), or Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree from ACC. This agreement allows for a seamless transfer process from ACC to NCWU.
UNC Chapel Hill: C-STEP
The Carolina Student Transfer Excellence Program (C-STEP), a partnership with UNC Chapel Hill, assists community college students in transitioning to the university setting. For admission to UNC, students must graduate ACC with a 3.2 or higher cumulative GPA, complete three semesters of a foreign language, and complete program activities. Students must complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science to be in this program.
UNC Greensboro: Transfer Promise Program
Alamance Community College and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) have partnered on a unique program that improves students access to an undergraduate education, enhances student success during the transfer process, and creates a seamless pathway from ACC to UNCG.
UNC Wilmington: Pathway to Excellence
Pathway to Excellence is a partnership with UNCW that guarantees admission for students completing an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Engineering degree with a GPA 2.5 or greater. A GPA of 3.0 is required for increased benefits.
Western Governors University
Western Governors University (WGU) and ACC created a transfer agreement for students with an Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.), or Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree. Students can transfer to WGU to major in business administration, information technology, K-12 teacher education, and health professions.
University Transfer Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion, students will be able to:
- Analyze problems using the scientific method and draw rational conclusions.
- Compose well-written documents using standard written English.
- Deliver an informative presentation.
- Describe and validate conflicting perspectives of diverse groups.
- Identify argumentative claims and the evidence used to support them.
- Model and solve real-world applications mathematically.