Jan 16, 2025  
2023-2024 Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Policies and Procedures

College Procedures and Policies

The ACC Student Handbook has detailed information on College policies such as: release of student information, smoking, sexual misconduct, acceptable computer usage, loitering, drug-free environment, and student rights and responsibilities. Familiarize yourself with these expectations.

All of ACC’s policies and procedures are located on the website at: alamancecc.edu/policies/

Academic Freedom

Alamance Community College is committed to providing a learning environment in which individuals can develop the skills necessary to function successfully in an open society. The College recognizes the necessity for freedom in legitimate academic decisions that foster an environment where faculty and students can freely inquire, study, and evaluate.

To that end, the College endeavors to give faculty members the freedom to conduct individual academic affairs in accordance with each person’s best professional judgment, including the development, implementation, and revision of programs and courses, the selection of teaching materials, and the evaluation of student performance. Likewise, faculty members have the ethical obligation and responsibility to exercise reasonable judgment in teaching their subjects, in respecting individuals and their diverse views, and in maintaining competence in the discipline.

Faculty members shall:

  1. Use their professional judgment in developing and implementing appropriate course material.
  2. Keep abreast of the main academic trends and themes in their respective fields and incorporate these into their scholarship and teaching.
  3. Organize their subject matter and present it in ways that present the optimum value for their students, subject to reasonable guidelines reflected in College, departmental, and faculty policies and procedures.
  4. Require an amount and quality of work from their students that is justifiable under the standards and regulations of the North Carolina Community College System and ACC.

Any questions or issues concerning the parameters of academic freedom at this College should be addressed to Vice President of Instruction. In the event the faculty member cannot reach an informal resolution, he or she may file a grievance pursuant to Policy 3.3.8. - Grievance.

This policy is not intended to limit the rights of faculty or students in discussing any matter outside of the academic setting. Outside the classroom, faculty have the rights of private citizens to speak freely on matters of public concern and to participate in political activities.

June 13, 2022

Acceptable Use of Information Systems

I. Purpose

The College strives to provide information technology access in an environment in which access is shared equitably among users. This access is intended to be used in support of the College’s research, educational and administrative purposes. Access to information systems, including the Internet, computer systems, and computer networks, is provided to authorized users for those resources they have been granted rights to use. This policy applies to students, employees, and other authorized users. This Policy’s purpose is to protect the College’s technology users and computer resources and to ensure equitable access and proper management of these resources.

II. College Account Credentials

  1. It is the user’s responsibility for maintaining the security of usernames, passwords, and any other access credentials assigned to them. This information may not be given to anyone other than the person to whom they were assigned.
  2. Users are responsible for any use and activity of their account.
  3. Attempting to discover or using another user ‘s username or password or attempting to gain unauthorized access to another person’s files or email is prohibited.
  4. Failure to read College guidelines, requirements, and regulations will not exempt users from responsibility.
  5. Users are responsible for providing accurate and true information about themselves in any identity verification process.

III. Acceptable Use for Computer Workstations

The College’s information technology resources are intended for the use of its students, employees and other authorized individuals for purposes related to instruction, learning, research and campus operations. Users are expected to exercise responsible, ethical behavior when using all College digital systems, internet, computer and information systems resources. This Policy makes no attempt to articulate all required or prohibited behavior by users of the College’s computer and information system resources. Failure to comply with the following statements of responsible use may result in disciplinary action and/ or legal prosecution.

  1. General Principles
    1. Access to resources and the use thereof on the campus network and the Internet is provided to support the research, educational, and administrative purposes of the College. All who use these services will do so responsibly, respecting the rights of other users, the integrity of the physical facilities, and all applicable laws and regulations.
    2. Computer workstations, the campus network, and information systems may be monitored to ensure that use is consistent with the mission of the College and with the purposes for which they are intended.
  2. Responsible Use
    1. Demonstrating common sense and courtesy by limiting online time and printing time to a maximum of one hour where workstations are shared.
    2. Complying with all software license agreements and copyrights.
    3. Refraining from the transmission or display of material that would be considered threatening, obscene, or harassing by the average person or by community standards.
    4. Adhering to all College policies and all regulations in the ACC student or personnel handbook related to the use of College computers and information systems.
    5. Avoiding the use of College computer workstations from any profit-making activity not preapproved by authorized ACC personnel.
    6. Adhering to the acceptable use policies of any outside networks to which a user might connect.
    7. Respecting the integrity of data contained on and the operation/maintenance of the networks.
  3. Unacceptable Activity
    Unacceptable activity includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    1. Deliberately downloading, uploading, creating or transmitting computer viruses, malware, or other software intended to harm a computer or the College’s network.
    2. Destroying or modifying directory structures or registries or interfering or tampering with another individual’s data or files.
    3. Developing programs that infiltrate a computer or computing system, harass other users and/or damage software.
    4. Attempting to obtain unauthorized information systems and/or computer access or privileges or attempting to trespass in another individual’s work.
    5. Using hardware or software sniffers to examine network traffic, except by appropriate College personnel, to diagnose the network for bottlenecks or other problems.
    6. Committing any form of vandalism on equipment, communication lines, manuals or software, or attempting to defeat or circumvent any security measures or controls.
    7. Wastefully using finite resources such as large amounts of bandwidth including but not limited to, downloading streaming music, television shows, software programs, and/or movies.
    8. Connecting personal network devices on the College’s wired network. Connecting unsanctioned products (software or hardware) to the College network or installing products for personal use. Special provisions may be made for visiting artists, lecturers, and trainers at the discretion of the Director of Information Technology. Information Technology support staff can offer assistance in gaining network access under these special circumstances, but the College cannot guarantee functionality and assumes no responsibility for configuration of or damage to non-college equipment.
    9. Using the College’s computer resources and Network to engage in disruptive, threatening, discriminatory or illegal behavior or behavior that violates the Code of Student and/or Employee Conduct.
    10. Disclosing confidential student or personnel information to unauthorized third parties;
    11. Violating copyright laws and/or fair use provisions through: 1) illegal peer-to-peer file trafficking by downloading or uploading pirated or illegal material including, but not limited to, software and music files; and 2) reproducing or disseminating Internet materials, except as permitted by law or by written agreement with the owner of the copyright; and other activities that interfere with the effective and efficient operation of the College or its Network or activities that violate the College’s Policies and Procedures.
  4. Use of Personal Computer Software
    1. The College licenses the use of computer software from a variety of vendors. The College does not own this software or its related documentation, and unless authorized by the software developer, does not have the right to reproduce it.
    2. College employees shall use software only in accordance with a license agreement. Supervisors must maintain documentation of the appropriateness of all software loaded on computers assigned to their area of responsibility. Compliance with license agreements must be documented a minimum of once per year. More frequent reviews are encouraged.
    3. Special license agreements are required to use software on area networks or multiple machines. Supervisors must assure that software being used under either arrangement is appropriate.
    4. The College does not condone the illegal duplication of software or the use of illegally duplicated software. Employees having knowledge of any misuse of software at the College shall notify their supervisor or the College President.
    5. According to the Copyright Act of 1976, Section 107 (fair use provisions), illegal reproduction of software can be subject to civil damages of as much as $100,000 and criminal penalties including fines and imprisonment. Any College employee or student who makes, acquires, or uses unauthorized copies of computer software on College-owned computers, or other devices, shall be subject to disciplinary action and/or legal prosecution. Copies of the referenced statute and/or assistance in interpretation are available from the Director of the Learning Resources Center.

IV. Electronic Communication and Mail

The College provides free electronic mail accounts to certain College employees based on job responsibilities, as determined by the employee’s appropriate Vice President, and to all students who are enrolled in a curriculum program. The use of College-provided electronic mail accounts must be related to College business, including academic pursuits. Incidental and occasional personal use of these accounts is acceptable when such use does not generate a direct cost to the College or otherwise violate the provisions within this Policy.

The College will make reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity and effective operation of its electronic mail systems, but users are advised that those systems should in no way be regarded as a secure medium for the communication of sensitive or confidential information. Because of the nature and technology of electronic communication, the College cannot assure the privacy of an individual’s use of the College’s electronic mail resources or the confidentiality of particular messages that may be created, transmitted, received or stored.

The College does not monitor electronic mail routinely but may do so as the College deems necessary. Students and employees should not have any expectation of privacy regarding their electronic mail addresses provided by the College. Any user of the College’s computer resources who makes use of an encryption device shall provide access when requested to do so by the appropriate College authority. The College reserves the right to access and disclose the contents of employees’, students’ and other users’ electronic mail without the consent of the user. The College will do so when it believes it has a legitimate business or need including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. In the course of an investigation triggered by indications of misconduct or misuse;
  2. As needed to protect health and safety of students, employees or the community at large;
  3. As needed to prevent interference with the College’s academic mission;
  4. As needed to locate substantive information required for College business that is not more readily available;
  5. As needed to respond to legal actions; and
  6. As needed to fulfill the College’s obligations to third parties.

Electronic mail, including that of students, may constitute “educational records” as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”). Electronic mail that meets the definition of educational records is subject to the provisions of FERPA. The College may access, inspect and disclose such records under conditions set forth in FERPA.

North Carolina law provides that communications of College personnel that are sent by electronic mail may constitute “correspondence” and, therefore, may be considered public records subject to public inspection under the North Carolina Public Records Act.

Electronic files, including electronic mail, that are considered public records are to be retained, archived and/or disposed of in accordance with current guidelines established by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources or otherwise required by College policy.

To ensure, to the extent possible, that students who are taking courses, communicating with an instructor, and submitting assignments electronically are the students who registered for the courses, the College requires the use of its official information systems, such as ACCess email.

  1. The system for students relies on a student identification number issued to all students when they apply.
  2. Students will follow guidelines published on the College website to create logins and passwords.
  3. No other student may be permitted to access official College systems using the created logins and passwords of another student, and students may not allow access to anyone under their individual logins and passwords.
  4. Students and faculty communicating with each other online about any course-related questions or when sending or receiving assignments electronically will use College-approved communication systems, such as the College email system or Moodle, the College’s online Learning Management System.
  5. Faculty are only permitted to accept assignments and answer electronic messages using the College’s official systems.
  6. All college personnel and students will use official College systems when communicating about College activities, services, and business.

V. Reservations of Rights and Limits of Liability

  1. The College reserves all rights in the use and operation of its computer resources, including the right to monitor and inspect computerized files or to terminate service at any time and for any reason without notice.
  2. The College makes no guarantees or representations, either explicit or implied, that user files and/or accounts are private and secure. No right of privacy exists in regard to electronic mail or Internet sessions on the College Network or College-owned hardware.
  3. The College is not responsible for the accuracy, content or quality of information obtained through or stored on the College Network.
  4. The College and its representatives are not liable for any damages and/ or losses associated with the use of any of its computer resources or services.
  5. The College reserves the right to limit the allocation of computer resources.
  6. The College makes efforts to maintain computer resources in good working condition but is not liable for damages incurred by loss of service.
  7. College funds may not be used to purchase personal network access or products.
  8. The College shall not be liable legally, financially or otherwise for the actions of anyone using the Internet through the College’s network or College’s computers.

VI. Wireless Internet Access

The College provides free wireless Internet access. Users of wireless access must abide by the Wireless Internet Access Guidelines and this Policy. Connection to the wireless network at any given time is not guaranteed. The College does not accept liability for any personal equipment that is brought to the College and, therefore, may not assist with configuration, installation, trouble-shooting or support of any personal equipment.

VII. Private Employee Websites and Other Internet Use

When creating or posting material to a webpage or other Internet site apart from the College’s website or approved ancillary external site or page, employees should remember that the content may be viewed by anyone including community members, students and parents. When posting or creating an external website, students, faculty and staff are not permitted to use the College’s name in an official capacity or use the College’s marks, logos or other intellectual property.

Employees are to maintain an appropriate relationship with students at all times. Having a public personal website or online networking profile or allowing access to a private website or private online networking profile is considered a form of direct communication with students. Any employee found to have created and/or posted content on a website or profile that has a negative impact on the employee’s ability to perform his/her job as it relates to working with students and the community or that otherwise disrupts the efficient and effective operation of the College may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

VIII. Violations

Each individual is ultimately responsible for his/her own actions. For employees, failure to exercise responsible, ethical behavior will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Students may be sanctioned according to procedures described in the Code of Student Conduct and other users may be barred permanently from using College computers and network access and suspended or expelled.

Certain activities violate Federal and/ or State laws governing use of computer systems and may be classified as misdemeanors or felonies. Those convicted could face fines and/or imprisonment.

Adopted: February 8, 2021

Americans With Disabilities Policy

The College shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as Amended (ADA). To achieve compliance, the College shall:

  1. Provide notices concerning the ADA in written and electronic format.
  2. Designate a responsible employee(s) to coordinate ADA compliance.
  3. Ensure that existing facilities are readily accessible to or usable by individuals with disabilities through structural changes in facilities or through other methods that are equally effective to make services, programs, and activities accessible.
  4. Eliminate eligibility criteria that screens out or tends to screen out individuals with disabilities or any class of individuals with disabilities from fully and equally enjoying any service, program, or activity being offered.
  5. Administer services, programs, and activities in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of qualified individuals with disabilities.
  6. Take appropriate steps to ensure that communications with persons who are disabled are as effective as communications with others, including the furnishing of appropriate auxiliary aids and services.

The College may from time to time engage in an accessibility audit of its facilities and programs.

The College will maintain the self-evaluation and make it available to the public for three (3) years.

All allegations concerning disability discrimination or harassment shall be addressed through Policy 3.3.7 - Discrimination and Harassment (employees) or Policy 5.3.4 - Discrimination and Harassment (students).

June 13, 2022

Campus Free Speech, Distribution of Material, and Assembly


Free speech, which includes the right to distribute material and peacefully assemble, is central to the College’s academic mission. The College encourages and supports open, vigorous, and civil debate across the full spectrum of society’s issues as they present themselves to the College community. At the same time, limitations on activities on College property are necessary so that the College may fulfill its primary mission of educating students. The President is authorized to develop procedures for public use of the College’s outdoor spaces for distribution of material and assembly. The use of outdoor space on the College’s campus does not represent an endorsement or support by the College of the content or viewpoints expressed by the individual or group using the space. The College is a limited public forum and does not discriminate based on content or viewpoint.

For issues dealing with the use of indoor spaces and facilities, see Policy 2.2.3 - Facility Use.

June 13, 2022


The College is a limited public forum that does not regulate speech or activities based on content or viewpoint. All individuals using College Space must comply with the following Procedures.

These Procedures only apply to the use of College Space and not to the use of facilities on campus. For more information regarding facility use, see Policy 2.2.3 - Facility Use.

    1. College Members - students who are currently enrolled at the College and/ or individuals currently employed by the College.
    2. College Space - all outdoor areas on the College campus.
    3. College Use - use of a College Space by the College for official College business and/or functions.
    4. Designated Area(s) - patio area east of the B Building on the Carrington-Scott campus. The President, or designee, is authorized to designate other areas on campus as Temporary Designated Areas when needed, dependent on the location and size of a specific event or activity. Temporary Designated Areas are not permanent and will end after the specific event or activity.
    5. Non-College Members - any individuals who are not currently enrolled at the College and/or are not currently employed by the College.
    1. The College is committed to making the majority of its College Space available to College Members who wish to exercise their rights of speech, distribution of material, and assembly. The College maintains the right to reserve any College Space at any time, with or without prior notice, for College Use, and such use will take priority over any other use.
    2. All outdoor assemblies may not be conducted within 30 feet of any building or otherwise interfere with free flow of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic.
    3. Registration by College Members to use College Space is recommended for planning purposes. Registration ensures that the desired space will be available on the desired date and time. For more information about registration, see Section III (B) herein.
    1. Except as stated herein, Non-College Members shall be allowed to use the Designated Area between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays when the College’s general curriculum classes are in sessions. The Designated Area is not available on weekends or when the College is closed. The College maintains the right to use the Designated Area at any time, with or without prior notice, for College Use, and such use will take priority over any other use.
      If on the weekends the College is having an official College event or if a speaker or group is hosting an event that is open to the general public and/ or is a matter of public concern, the Designated Area, or Temporary Designated Area, if so established, will be open to Non-College Members at times established by the President or designee; provided, however, that the Designated Area must be open at least one and one-half hours prior to and after the event.
    2. Any Non-College Members will be allowed to use the Designated Area within the time restriction. All Non-College Members must complete a Registration Form (the “Form”) and submit it to the Director of Public Information and Marketing no earlier or later than three (3) business days prior to their activity on campus. The College does not restrict speech and/or activities based on content or viewpoint. The purpose of the Form is to make sure there is adequate space in the Designated Area for the requested date and time and for safety concerns. Upon request by College officials, Non-College Members will be required to provide proof of registration for use of the Designated Area. Forms will only cover one (1) day at a time. Requests for standing dates (i.e., every Tuesday) will not be honored.
    3. The College will assign use of a Designated Area on a first come, first serve basis; however, the College may regulate hours to fairly accommodate multiple groups.
    1. While expressing speech, distributing material, or assembling, both College and Non-College Members are prohibited from doing the following:
      1. Engaging in non-protected speech such as obscenity, speech inciting criminal conduct, speech that constitutes a clear and present danger, or speech that constitutes defamation.
      2. Touching, striking, approaching, or impeding the progress of pedestrians in any way, except for incidental or accidental contact.
      3. Obstructing the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
      4. Using sound amplification or creating noise levels that are reasonably likely to or do cause a material and substantial disruption to the College educational environment and/or operations. Noise, whether in support of or in opposition to the speaker, which substantially interferes with the speaker’s ability to speak or with the audience’s ability to hear the speaker is prohibited.
      5. Damaging, destroying, or stealing College or private property.
      6. Possessing or using firearms, explosives, dangerous weapons, or substances not allowed on campus by law or by College policy (e.g., drugs, alcohol, tobacco, non-service animals, etc.).
      7. Using physical force or violence against another person, or threatening to use physical force or violence against another person resulting in reasonable apprehension that force or violence will occur. Any acts that are substantially disruptive to the College’s normal operations will not be tolerated and may result in an immediate termination of the activity. Non- College Members are required to remain in the Designated Area while on campus.
    2. Individuals may distribute pamphlets, booklets, brochures, and other forms of printed materials on the condition that such material is designed for informational (not commercial) purposes. Individuals distributing materials must provide a receptacle for the disposal of such materials. The College does not assume any obligation or liability for the content of such distributed material. Any signs used may not be larger than three (3) feet by four (4) feet in size. Signs must either be held by participants or be freestanding signs that do not stick into the ground. No signs may be mounted on buildings, trees, or other College property.
    3. Individuals are responsible for the cleanliness and order of the area they use. Individuals shall leave the area in the same condition it was in before the activity. Individuals who damage or destroy College property shall be held responsible for such damage or destruction. This includes the campus buildings, sidewalks, lawns, shrubs, and trees.
    4. Individuals are subject to sanctions for failing to comply with these procedures or other College policies. Such sanctions may include, but are not limited to repairing, cleaning, painting, paying replacement costs, making restitution (by order of a court), and being banned from future use. College Members may also be subject to College disciplinary action as outlined in College policies and procedures. Individuals who violate these procedures may be issued a trespass warning and denied future access to College premises. Violations that require police intervention will be reported to the College’s Public Safety Department. Behavior that constitutes a violation of law may result in arrest and criminal prosecution.
    If campus buildings are used as public polling places, all activity must be in accordance with statutory and state/local Board of Elections requirements.
    City sidewalks that run along the borders of or within the College’s campus are public forums and available to all members of the public. Use of city sidewalks must comply with federal and state laws as well as city ordinances.

June 13, 2022

Communicable Disease Policy


Communicable disease is defined as “an illness due to an infectious agent or its toxic products which is transmitted directly or indirectly to a person from an infected person or animal through the agency of an intermediate animal, host, or vector, or through the inanimate environment.”(NC G.S. 130A-2 Page 1 § 130A-2) Communicable diseases include but are not limited to: influenza; chicken pox; measles; tuberculosis; conjunctivitis; infectious mononucleosis; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS);Hepatitis A, B, C, and D; meningitis; methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA); and Hemorrhagic Fevers (including Ebola). Communicable diseases can be categorized according to how they are transmitted:

  • Class A Communicable Diseases - can be transmitted through casual contact
    Examples: influenza, tuberculosis, conjunctivitis, infectious mononucleosis, meningitis, methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus, COVID-19
  • Class B Communicable Diseases - are transmitted through exposure to blood or bodily fluids
    Examples: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), Hepatitis B or C, Hemorrhagic Fevers (including Ebola)


Alamance Community College (ACC) recognizes that certain communicable diseases can have serious implications on the health and safety of all students and employees. The college does not discriminate, in policy or practice, against persons infected with a communicable disease. However, ACC does expect that individuals who have been exposed to or have symptoms of a communicable disease conduct themselves in an ethical and legal manner in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Alamance County Health Department policies and, in the event of a determined pandemic level, in accordance with applicable governmental directives and orders, emergency or otherwise.


Individuals exposed to or infected with a communicable disease are expected to seek prompt expert medical advice and implement recommended treatment in accordance with the policies of the Centers for Disease Control and Alamance County Health Department. Individuals exposed to or determined to be infected with Class A Communicable Diseases are encouraged to advise ACC of their medical status circumstances by notifying their course instructors or campus employers as appropriate, and providing documentation if requested. Instructors and campus employers will consult the Director of Public Safety for advice or instructions as needed. Individuals exposed to or infected with Class B Communicable Diseases are expected to advise ACC of their medical status and treatment so that the College can respond appropriately to their needs on a case by case basis. Written documentation may be required. Upon diagnosis, students should immediately contact the Vice President for Student Success or the Coordinator of Disability Services. Employees shall immediately contact the Director of Human Resources.

Information relating to the communicable disease of a student/employee/contracted employee of ACC will be disclosed only to responsible college officials on a strictly need-to-know basis and will be kept confidential in accordance with applicable governmental privacy and health regulations and subject to applicability, if any, of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and Americans with Disabilities Act. Unauthorized disclosure of an individual’s identity and medical information by an employee of ACC is prohibited. Violation of this prohibition may result in disciplinary action, including suspension from, or termination of an individual’s employment with ACC.

Persons determined to be infected with a Communicable Disease, who qualify as an individual with a disability pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, will not be excluded from participation in or denied benefits of ACC’s services, programs or educational activities or from employment unless individually based medical judgments indicate that exclusion from classes or other restricted activities, or work, is necessary for the health and safety of the individual or members of the college community.

ACC will follow the Centers for Disease Control and Alamance County Health Department standards for monitoring and tracking individuals with exposure to communicable diseases. ACC will refer symptomatic students or employees to an appropriate medical facility and require documentation from this medical facility stating that the student or employee is medically safe to return to the campus or engage in ACC programs. Decisions in individual cases that restrict access to employment or to educational programs/ activities will be made by the Executive Vice President in consultation with the appropriate Vice President/Dean/ Director, and in consultation with the Director of Public Safety, local public health officials, and, if available, the individual’s physician/ health care provider. As required by applicable law, ACC will endeavor to provide the individual with reasonable accommodation(s) given consideration as to the circumstances.

In public health and/or pandemic level communicable disease situations, the President will implement the College’s Emergency Response Plan and “Communicable Disease and Pandemic Threat Response Procedures.” Actions that may be taken by the President to prevent the spread of communicable disease include but are not limited to:

  1. Modify campus-based instruction and/or College services to other delivery systems such as online.
  2. Limit or prohibit employee travel and/ or student field trips/site visits.
  3. Close or limit access to certain College buildings or programs temporarily.
  4. Prohibit those infected with a communicable disease from coming onto the College’s campuses or attending ACC sponsored functions or programs.
  5. Control entry to campus facilities and screen visitors and community members for relevant symptoms and/or exposure.
  6. Close the College temporarily.

ACC may require immunizations, prior to admission or employment, for specified communicable diseases, including, but not limited to, Class A Communicable Diseases. In lieu of proof of vaccination an individual may provide a licensed medical professional’s statement of immunity or of contraindication to a vaccine; a lab blood test/titer documenting immunity; or a statement of religious exemption. ACC may apply more restrictive requirements for employment or participation in a specific ACC program or class, such as child care, clinical programs and certain health services programs on a case by case basis.

ACC will promote a healthy and safe environment for both students and employees through minimizing risk of transmission of diseases that are blood or body fluid borne. ACC will comply with federal regulations and state statutes regarding bloodborne pathogens as set forth in the Federal Register, 29 CFR §1910.1030 and the North Carolina Administrative Code, 10A NCAC 41A, by attempting to limit/prevent occupational exposure of employees to blood or other potentially infectious bodily fluids and materials that may transmit bloodborne pathogens that can lead to disease or death.

An employee who could “reasonably anticipate”, as a result of performing required job duties, to face contact with blood, bodily fluids or other potentially infectious materials is covered by the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, the North Carolina Administrative Code, and this Policy. “Occupational Exposure” includes any reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane or parenteral (brought into the body through some way other than the digestive tract) contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee’s duties. “Good Samaritan” acts, such as assisting a co-worker or student with a nosebleed would not be considered “reasonably anticipated occupational exposure.” An employee who suspects that s/he has had exposure to blood or bodily fluid may request to be tested, at ACC’s expense, provided that the suspected exposure poses a significant risk of transmission, as defined in the rules of the Commission for Health Services. The HIV and HBV testing of a person who is the source of an exposure that poses a significant risk of transmission will be conducted in accordance with 10A NC Administrative Code 41A .0202 (4) (HIV) and 41A .0203(b)(3) (HBV). ACC will strictly adhere to existing confidentiality rules and laws regarding employees with communicable diseases, including HIV or HIV-associated conditions. Any actions undertaken pursuant to this policy will be in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, ACC’s policies, and in the best interest of all ACC stakeholders.

April 13, 2020

Reporting Crimes and Emergencies on Campus Policy

In the event of a crime or emergency in progress or a risk of harm to persons or property, employees, students, and visitors should immediately call 911 and/ or notify campus Public Safety by calling 336-506-4286. Known and suspected violations of federal and state criminal laws should be reported to the Director of Public Safety who will involve the appropriate law enforcement agency and file the required College documentation.

Criminal incidents occurring off campus involving students participating in a College function should be reported immediately to law enforcement and to the Director of Public Safety as soon as possible.

June 13, 2022

Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Alamance Community College does not discriminate in administering its programs and activities. No person shall be denied access to admission or fair treatment or in any way be discriminated against based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, disability, genetic information, age, political affiliation, or veterans’ status.

For issues related to sexual harassment, assault, and violence, consult Policy 5.3.5 - Sexual Misconduct and Title IX.

For issues related to all other types of unlawful discrimination and harassment, consult Policy

5.3.2 - Student Code of Conduct, and Procedure - Discipline and Appeal for Non- Academic Violations.

June 13, 2022

Facility Use Policy

The College’s facilities exist to meet the educational needs of citizens within the College’s service area. The College offers a wide-range of credit curricula and non-credit extension courses and the College’s facilities are to be utilized to facilitate these programs. The College may use its facilities in any legal matter. In addition, the College may make its facilities available in accordance with its guidelines and procedures upon reasonable conditions for the periodic use of student organizations, government agencies, non-profit entities, community members, and for-profit entities (for non-revenue generating events) provided the activities involved are in furtherance of the College’s educational purposes or are in promotion of the community’s cultural and educational welfare. The use of the College’s facilities cannot compete with or disrupt any of the College’s classes or events that are or could be offered. This policy only applies to the use of the College’s facilities.

For information concerning the use of outdoor campus spaces, see Policy 2.3.5 - Campus Free Speech, Distribution of Material, and Assembly.

The Board hereby delegates to the President the authority to develop guidelines and procedures to be used by parties who want to utilize the College’s facilities.

June 13, 2022

Loitering Policy

Alamance Community College encourages the use of its facilities by citizens in accordance with the stated purposes and policies of the College. The primary use of College facilities is for enrolled students, patrons, staff, and guests.

The Board of Trustees of Alamance Community College authorizes the President or his or her designated representative to designate any or all areas of the campus as open only to enrolled students, patrons, staff, or guests. Loitering is not permitted. The President may establish guidelines for the enforcement of this policy toward individuals whose presence may be undesirable, disruptive, or otherwise inappropriate on the campus, at a particular place on campus or at a College-related event. Such individuals may be subject to removal from campus and/or trespassing charges.

November 18, 2010

Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy


Alamance Community College (the “College” or “ACC”) is committed to providing an educational environment in which all employees and students, without regard to sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, have a right to work and learn free from sexual harassment and sexual violence. Sexual misconduct is prohibited, and the College will promptly, fairly, and impartially address complaints through its Title IX procedures or when a sexual misconduct complaint falls outside the jurisdiction of Title IX. The College will apply its student conduct procedures or grievance procedures as appropriate to the particular compliant. This policy applies to sexual misconduct that occurs within the scope of the College’s educational programs and activities (both on-campus and off-campus) against a person in the United States. The College will provide supportive measures as well as complaint resolution options to its students, applicants and employees who are allege victims.

Sexual harassment and sexual violence are deemed forms of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (and Title IX Final Rule 2020) which prohibits sex discrimination against students and employees in educational institutions which receive federal funds and by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, which prohibits sex discrimination in employment and by North Carolina General Statues 136-16.

Please note: Policy under review at the time the 2023-2024 Student Handbook was printed.

Definitions And Prohibited Conduct

  • Prohibited conduct includes sexual harassment as defined in Title IX Final Rule 2020:
    • An employee of the College conditioning educational aid, benefit or service on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct (quid pro quo harassment) as prohibited in the Title IX Final Rule 2020.
    • Offenses defined in the Clery Act and the US Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking on the basis of sex as prohibited in Title IX Final Rule 2020.
    • Unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would find so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it denies a person equal educational access, as prohibited by in Title IX Final Rule 2020.
  • Prohibited conduct includes any form of sexual violence. (These are physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent due to the victim’s use of drugs or alcohol. An individual also may be unable to give consent due to an intellectual or other disability or a medically diagnosed impairment.) Sexual violence includes:
    • VAWA and Clery Act offenses
    • Any form of sexual violence defined as a criminal sex crime in North Carolina G.S. 14-27.1 and G. S. 50B - 1 (including rape, sexual battery and sexual coercion).
  • Prohibited conduct includes unwelcome verbal and/or physical conduct of a sexual nature or with sexual implications, based on sex or sexual stereotyping, when the conduct is sufficiently severe or pervasive as to create a hostile work or learning environment when evaluated from the standpoint of a “reasonable person” and consistent with First Amendment protections of free speech and academic freedom.

Reporting Options

Any person may report sexual misconduct (harassment or violence) to one or more of the following: the Title IX Coordinator (who is ACC’s Director of Human Resources), a College “responsible employee,” a College “counselor/advisor,” their employment supervisor, a College Public Safety official, a local law enforcement officer, a local medical professional, a local mental health professional or a pastoral counselor. A report may be made in person, by mail, by telephone, or by email. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Title IX Coordinator will determine whether the complaint meets the condition of the Title IX Final Rule 2020. If so, the Title IX response process will be initiated. If not, the complaint will be referred to the appropriate student conduct or employee grievance contact person. In all cases, the Title IX Coordinator will contact the complainant confidentially to discuss the availability of supportive measures and to explain the process for filing a formal complaint. Supportive measures are individualized reasonably available services designed to ensure equal educational access, protect safety, or deter sexual harassment; and the steps taken must be non-punitive, non-disciplinary, and not unreasonably burdensome to the accused party.

College “responsible employees” are all faculty members, administrators, and support staff (including student employees and contracted service providers) except the Title IX Coordinator and designated “counselors/advisors”; all student services staff members except designated “counselors/ advisors”; and ACC Public Safety staff. A “responsible employee” shall report to the College’s Title IX Coordinator or designee relevant details of instances of sexual misconduct made known to him or her, and he/she shall inform the complainant of his/her right to file a Title IX complaint with the College and to report a crime to ACC Public Safety and/or local law enforcement.

College “counselors/advisors” are not considered “responsible employees” for reporting purposes but are counselors/ advisors whom students or employees may consult confidentially for support and information. These designated individuals are the Director of Student Success, Coordinator of Disability Services and counselor trainees working under the supervision of a professional counselor, ACC-selected/appointed sexual assault responders designated and appointed for a term of service by the Vice President of Student Services and ACC-approved third parties providing confidential counseling services on the campuses or by referral. These “counselors/advisors” are not required to report incidents except as described below, and they will provide information about support services students can use whether or not they file a complaint on-campus or with off-campus authorities. “Counselors/advisors” will report incidents under certain specific circumstances, including an informed consent release by the complainant, a threat of harm to self or others, a court order, or harm to minors. (NCGS 14-27.5)

There is no time limit to invoking this policy to respond to alleged sexual misconduct. However, complainants are encouraged to report allegations of sexual misconduct immediately in order to maximize the College’s ability to obtain the relevant information and witness testimony needed to complete a thorough and impartial investigation. The College will strive to resolve complaints within 60 days of the initial report (not including appeal processes) unless fact-finding is delayed to defer to law enforcement evidence gathering, or if other “good cause” delays or special circumstances such as College break periods apply. Complainant and respondent (accused) will be notified in writing of extensions and delays.

A third party complaint, made on behalf of someone else who has been the victim of sexual misconduct/harassment/ violence, will be investigated by ACC. Complainants should be aware it may be difficult to keep the victim’s identity confidential during the investigation because of the circumstances of the charge.


In general, the College will obtain consent from the complainant before beginning a Title IX or other investigation. The College will keep confidential the identity of complainants, respondents (accused persons) witnesses except as permitted by FERPA, as required by law, or as potential criminal conduct. College officials reserve the authority to determine, consistent with State and local law, whether appropriate law enforcement authorities should be notified. If the College determines the alleged perpetrator poses a serious and immediate threat to the College community, the Director of Public Safety will be called upon to issue a timely warning to the community as required by the Clery Act. Such a warning does not include information that identifies the victim.

If the complainant requests confidentiality or asks that the complaint not be pursued, the College will take reasonable steps to investigate and respond to the complainant consistent with the complainant’s request. The College will inform the complainant that its ability to respond may be limited. The College’s Title IX Coordinator or designee will evaluate the complainant’s request for confidentiality in the context of ACC’s obligation to provide a safe environment for students and employees, and will inform the complainant prior to starting an investigation if it cannot ensure confidentiality. At minimum in every case of reported sexual harassment and sexual violence, an anonymous report of the incident must be provided by the Title IX Coordinator to ACC Public Safety staff in order to comply with campus crime reporting (Clery Act) requirements.

The College will maintain as confidential any accommodations or protective measures provided to students or employees, to the extent that confidentiality does not impair the ability of the College to provide the protective measures and does not infringe on the due process rights of an accused person.


Those who make complaints or otherwise participate in investigative and/or disciplinary processes under this policy are protected from retaliatory acts. No employee or student may engage in interference, coercion, restraint, or reprisal against any person alleging sexual misconduct. Perpetrators of retaliation will face disciplinary action. Likewise, claims of sexual misconduct that are substantiated as malicious or frivolous may result in disciplinary action against the instigator.

Resolution Options

Informal Resolution Options:

The complainant has the right to end an informal resolution process at any time and pursue formal resolution.

  1. Confidential consultation with the Title IX Coordinator or designee for support, information, and/or exploration of possible actions.
  2. Confidential counseling and referral: “Counselors/advisors” as designated in this policy may counsel a student confidentially to provide support, information, referral, and/ or exploration of possible actions.
  3. For complaints subject to the Title IX Final Rule 2020, the two parties can agree to engage in an informal resolution process in lieu of a formal investigation, except in cases that allege quid pro quo harassment. Both parties must give voluntary, informed and written consent. Informal resolution options are not available under the Title IX Final Rule 2020 when the accused person is an employee.
  4. Informal voluntary mediation, contingent on the availability of qualified mediators and on the voluntary, informed and written consent of both parties. This option is available only for complaints of sexual violence including but not limited to rape, sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual battery.

Formal Resolution Options:

The complainant has the right to pursue the applicable following options individually or simultaneously:

A formal complaint is a document filed by a complainant or signed by the Title IX Coordinator, alleging sexual misconduct and requesting that the College investigate the allegation of sexual misconduct. At the time of filing a formal complaint, the complainant must be participating in or attempting to participate in, the educational program or activities of the College. The document must be filed with the Title IX Coordinator in person, by mail, or by electronic submission and must contain the complainant’s physical or digital signature. If the allegations in a formal complaint do not meet the definition of sexual harassment in the Title IX Final Rule 2020, or did not occur in the College’s educational program and activities against a person in the United States, then the Title IX Coordinator will dismiss the complaint under Title IX Final Rule 2020 and will refer the complaint to the College’s Student Code of Conduct procedures (if the accused person is student) or to the employee grievance procedure policy (if the accused person is an employee or contracted employee.) The Title IX Coordinator will notify the parties in writing when a compliant is dismissed under Title IX Final Rule 2020 and the reasons for the dismissal.

  1. If the case is addressed under the Title IX Final Rule 2020, it will be investigated and adjudicated under the College’s Title IX procedures. A description of the Title IX investigation and grievance procedures may be obtained from the Title IX Coordinator. Adjudication includes the provision of a live hearing with cross-examination. Both parties have the right to appeal a determination regarding responsibility, or the dismissal of the allegations in a formal complaint, on the following bases: procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter, newly discovered evidence that could affect the outcome of the complaint, or Title IX personnel had a conflict of interest or bias that affected the outcome of the matter.
  2. If the case is dismissed under Title IX Final Rule 2020, and the accused is an Alamance Community College student, the College will follow its student grievance procedures/student conduct process as described in the student handbook, including appeal procedures described. Note that the:
    • investigation and resolution will be prompt, fair and impartial;
    • standard of evidence for a finding of “responsible” is preponderance of the evidence;
    • accuser and accused are entitled to have an advisor of their respective choice present at a disciplinary proceeding and any related meetings. An advisor serves on a consulting (non-participatory) basis in a disciplinary hearing; and,
    • sanctions assigned to a student found responsible include one or more of the following: oral warning, written warning, educational or community service sanction, general probation, restrictive probation, suspension, explicit and/or indefinite dismissal.
  3. If the case is dismissed under the Title IX Final Rule 2020 and the accused is an Alamance Community College employee or contracted employee, the College will follow its employee grievance procedures, including appeal procedures. An employee found responsible will be assigned one or more of the following disciplinary sanctions: oral warning, written warning, special training appropriate to the findings, probation, suspension or dismissal.
  4. File a criminal complaint with the applicable local law enforcement agency. Public Safety staff will assist with this process.
  5. File a complaint directly with the appropriate Federal or North Carolina agency (ex. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of Civil Rights). Contact information may be obtained from the Title IX Coordinator.

Notification Of Outcome

For cases adjudicated under Title IX Final Rule 2020, a written determination by the decision-maker addressing criteria described in the Final Rule must be sent simultaneously to the parties along with information about how to file an appeal.

For cases adjudicated under the Student Code of Conduct or the employee grievance procedures, the College will notify the accused in writing whether or not it found that sexual misconduct occurred, all disciplinary sanctions assigned in the case, and information about how to file an appeal. The College will notify the complainant in writing of the finding whether or not sexual misconduct occurred, any individual remedies offered to the complainant, other steps the College has taken to eliminate a hostile environment and prevent recurrence, and, information about how to file an appeal. The College will disclose to the complainant matters about disciplinary sanction(s) assigned to the accused that are directly related to the complainant’s participation in the College’s educational program and activities.

Names of any other persons, such as a victim/survivor or witness, will be included only with the consent of those persons. The College will not require a party to abide by a nondisclosure agreement that would prevent the re-disclosure of information related to the outcome of the proceeding.

Training And Education

The College expects all employees and students to participate in training and education on sexual harassment and sexual violence topics at regular intervals. Training and education topics and content provided by the College will be consistent with Title IX and Campus SaVE Act regulations and recommendations. Employees in specific roles will participate in specialized training. Those roles include Title IX Coordinator, responsible employees, counselors/advisors, complaint investigators, hearing officials, grievance committee members, and Public Safety staff. The sexual misconduct policy and procedures will be published in key College publications (ex. General Catalog, Student Handbook, Employee Handbook, College web site) and made widely available to members of the College community.

September 14, 2020

Release of Information from Other Institutions

Transcripts: The College will not release or make copies of transcripts received from other educational institutions. Students should request original copies directly from the school attended.

Tobacco Free Campus Policy

The College is a 100% tobacco-free environment. The use of tobacco products is prohibited in any College buildings, facilities, vehicles, or property owned, leased, or operated by the College including all outside areas. The sale or free distribution of tobacco products, including merchandise, is also prohibited. This policy applies to all College employees, students, vendors, contractors, and visitors to campus.


  1. Tobacco is defined as all products delivered from, or containing tobacco, including and not limited to those listed below.
    • Cigarettes
    • Cigars, cigarillos
    • Pipes or hookah
    • Smokeless tobacco
    • Electronic cigarettes or vaporized nicotine
  2. Tobacco use is defined as smoking, chewing, dipping, or any other use of tobacco products.


All individuals shall comply with the policy. It is the responsibility of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to observe, adhere to, and respect the College’s tobaccofree policy. Citations and fines are imposed for using tobacco. Failure to adhere to the policy could result in disciplinary action for students and employees. Littering the remains of tobacco products or any other waste product on college property is further prohibited.


The College shall post appropriate signage on the campus educating students, employees, and visitors that the College is a tobacco-free campus and use other methods to further inform and educate the public of this prohibition.

June 13, 2022

Traffic Regulations Policy


Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 115D-21, the College shall enforce the following traffic regulations.

  1. Chapter 20 of the North Carolina General Statutes regarding the operation of motor vehicles on North Carolina highways shall apply to the College’s streets, roads, alleys, and driveways along with all other rules and regulations contained herein. These regulations shall apply on a 24-hour basis.
  2. While on the College campus, all drivers shall comply with the Department of Public Safety’s legal instructions and shall obey all traffic and parking laws and regulations. The College shall be responsible for ensuring that the necessary signs are erected and maintained on the campus.
  3. The College shall ensure that information about operating a motor vehicle on the College’s campus is distributed at every student orientation and registration. A copy of this policy shall be included in the College Student Handbook. Failure to obtain a copy of this policy or not knowing the traffic laws is not an excuse or justification for violation of the laws and regulations.
  4. All vehicles operated on campus must be properly registered and display a College parking decal. Students, faculty and staff must register their vehicles within the first five (5) business days of being hired (for employees) or within two (2) business days of class (for students).
  5. Any vehicle that is driven by or is transporting a person who is handicapped and that displays a state-issued license plate, a removable windshield placard, or a temporary removable windshield placard may park in designated handicapped spaces on campus. No one will be allowed to park in designated handicapped spaces without the proper license plate or placard.
  6. Temporary Parking Permits: Visitors and clients doing business with the College may obtain a temporary parking permit. This permit is not valid for College employees or students. Visitors and clients may park in any legal parking space on campus. Visitors and clients must have a state-issued distinguishing license plate, a removable windshield placard, or a temporary removable windshield placard to park in designated handicapped spaces.


  1. Campus Officers shall have the authority to issue citations for all moving violations and handicapped parking violations. For a complete list of all moving violations, see Chapter 20 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Such moving violations include, but are not limited to:
    1. Reckless driving.
    2. Driving faster than the posted speed limit.
    3. Failure to obey traffic signs.
    4. Failure to yield right-of-way at pedestrian crossings.
    5. Following too closely.
    6. Driving while impaired or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
    7. Failure to yield to emergency vehicles.
    8. Operating a vehicle that creates a safety hazard.
    9. Parking in a designated handicapped space without the proper license place or placard.
  2. Campus Officers and other College personnel authorized by the President shall have the authority to issue parking citations for violations including, but not limited to:
    1. Parking in a restricted parking lot or zone.
    2. Parking on grass (unless a sign indicates permission).
    3. Blocking any legally parked vehicle.
    4. Affixing a parking decal to a vehicle other than that for which it was issued.
    5. Parking against traffic flow.
    6. Blocking or obstructing traffic, street, crosswalk, sidewalk, fire hydrant, building entrance or exit.
    7. Parking where protruding into a lane of traffic.
    8. Double parking.
    9. Parking on shoulder of road (unless a sign indicates permission).
    10. Failure of two-wheeled vehicles to park in designated areas.
    11. Parking a vehicle in any manner that creates a safety hazard.
    12. Leaving a vehicle on campus overnight without having prior permission and notifying Campus Officers.


The following system of citations shall be used.

  1. Moving and Handicapped Violations (Section II(A))
    1. Campus Officers have the legal authority to issue citations for all moving violations and handicapped parking violations. A fine shall be imposed as required by law.
    2. The Campus Officer issuing the citation will advise the violator of the scheduled court date and procedure for payment of the fine.
    3. In addition, employees and students are subject to disciplinary action pursuant to Board policy.
  2. Parking Violations (Section II(B))
    1. The first parking violation shall result in a citation placed on the vehicle and a five-dollar ($5.00) fine per offense. The fine must be paid within 30 calendar days or the violator will lose his or her parking privileges until the fine is paid.
    2. A second parking violation shall result in a citation placed on the vehicle and a five-dollar ($5.00) fine per offense. The fine must be paid within 30 calendar days or the violator will lose his or her parking privileges until the fine is paid. Also, the violator will receive a follow-up letter that should he or she receive another parking citation, he or she will lose parking privileges on campus for the remainder of the academic year.
    3. A third parking violation will result in the vehicle’s towing and loss of parking privileges on campus for the remainder of the academic year.
    4. During the first two (2) class days of each semester, warning citations shall be issued for improper parking. Beginning with the third-class day, the rules outlined herein shall be enforced.
    5. Student registration for new/additional courses or release of transcripts will be blocked until all parking tickets have been paid.
    6. In addition, employees and students are subject to disciplinary action pursuant to Board policy.
    7. All abandoned vehicles and vehicles blocking a drive, obstructing the flow of traffic, creating a safety hazard, parked in a fire lane, loading zone, or designated tow-away zone or for third parking offense violation are subject to tow-away or immobilization by a restraining device at the full expense of the owner.
    8. All proceeds of civil penalties collected shall be remitted to the Civil Penalty and Forfeiture Fund in accordance with N.C.G.S. § 115C-457.2.


Individuals receiving a citation pursuant to Section II(B) may appeal in writing to the Department of Public Safety within 10 calendar days of receipt of the citation. The Director of Public Safety will review the matter and his or her decision shall be final.

June 13, 2022

Visitors and Minors on Campus Policy

The College welcomes visitors to campus. All visitors must comply with the College’s policies and procedures. Additionally, in the interest of safety, and to minimize disruption to classes and operations, all visitors shall adhere to the following rules:


  1. Visitors should have a legitimate reason to be on campus, including the following: an orientation by an escort to learn about the campus and college programs, attending an official college program or event, visiting the bookstore, using the library, using daycare, using the dental clinic, using automotive repair services, using cosmetology services, using horticulture services, visiting the Scott Family Collection, participating in a culinary event, buying food from the snack bar in the commons area or the Culinary Department, making deliveries of goods and/or services ordered by ACC, or attending announced public meetings, functions, or seminars. Those without a legitimate reason are prohibited from being on campus or using College facilities, including parking lots and common areas.
  2. All visitors to instructional areas must have the instructor’s prior approval. Visitors unfamiliar with the campus should report to the College’s information center. The appropriate administrative officer or Department Head must approve visitors to a classroom.
  3. All visitors to laboratories, shops, or other potentially hazardous areas must be escorted by a College employee. The appropriate administrative officer or Department Head must approve visitors to a classroom.
  4. The College reserves the right to reasonably regulate visitors’ access to certain areas of the campus.


  1. Minor children are defined as children under the age of 18. This policy does not apply to Career & College Promise, Early College High School, or Career Accelerator Program students who are under the age of 18.
  2. Students and College employees are encouraged to make child care arrangements to reduce interruption of the educational process and avoid possible injury to a minor. Supervisors are responsible and accountable for ensuring that minor children on campus adhere to College policies and procedures. Should employees require time to resolve their childcare situation, they are required to leave work and use the appropriate leave.
  3. Minor children are allowed in offices on the campus for short, occasional visitations, when accompanied by a responsible adult. In addition, instructors have the discretion to make infrequent exceptions regarding the care of minor children due to temporary, unforeseen emergencies. In these cases, minor children must remain in the classroom under their parent/guardian’s direct supervision and are not allowed to sit in the hallway or be unsupervised in other locations on campus.
  4. Minor children are not allowed on campus when the child has a contagious condition or is too ill to be sent to the regular childcare location or school.
  5. Minor children may not enter shops, labs, or other hazardous areas unless accompanied by an instructor or other adult


  1. If a visitor is suspected to have violated this or any other College policy, appropriate Public Safety officials or staff are authorized to conduct an investigation sufficient to determine whether the visitor violated any policy, provided the investigation complies with any applicable law. College Public Safety staff and/or other appropriate College officials may obtain the assistance of local law enforcement when needed.
  2. Visitors are subject to search by College staff members based on the standard of reasonable suspicion. An investigation that results in the search of a visitor or his or her possessions may be undertaken when College staff has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the visitor has violated or is violating law or is in possession of contraband. The scope or extent of the search and the methods used for the search must reasonably relate to the objectives of the search and may not be excessively intrusive upon the privacy of the visitor in light of the nature of the alleged infraction or reasonably suspected illegal activity. Where College Public Safety staff have a reasonable suspicion that the visitor’s possessions contain materials that pose a threat to the welfare and safety of the students, staff, and faculty, or of the school’s property, the visitor’s possessions may be searched without prior warning by use of a metal detector or other approved security device.
  3. A visitor’s suspected criminal activity shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement official and any possible evidence uncovered may be turned over to law enforcement.
  4. To ensure a safe and secure campus environment, the President, his or her designees and senior administrators (Vice Presidents), and campus Public Safety staff have the authority to dismiss a person from campus. Legal action for trespassing may be taken if the person does not comply.

June 13, 2022

Weapons Policy

Students, staff, faculty, and visitors are legally prohibited from carrying a weapon onto campus unless a legal exception applies. For purposes of this policy, a “weapon”; includes firearms, explosives, BB guns, stun guns, air rifles or pistols, and certain types of knives or other sharp instruments (see N.C.G.S. § 14-269.2).

The prohibition does not apply if the weapon is on campus pursuant to one of the reasons listed in N.C.G.S. § 14-269.2(g). It is the individual’s responsibility to know and understand the law prior to bringing any weapon onto campus. Failure to follow the law, regardless of the person’s intent, will result in appropriate disciplinary action and a referral to local law enforcement.

It is permissible for an individual to bring a handgun onto campus under the following limited circumstances:

  1. The firearm is a handgun; AND
  2. The individual has a valid concealed handgun permit (or is exempt from the law requiring a permit); AND
  3. The handgun remains in either: a closed compartment or container within the locked vehicle of the permit holder; or a locked container securely affixed to the locked vehicle of the permit holder; AND
  4. The vehicle is unlocked only when the permit holder is entering or exiting the vehicle; AND
  5. The handgun remains in the closed compartment or container at all times except for a reasonable amount of time for the person to transfer the handgun from the closed compartment or container to his or her person or from his or her person to the closed compartment or container.

Firearms (and other weapons prohibited on campus) may not be stored or transported in College- owned or rented vehicles.

June 13, 2022