2024-2025 Catalog
Accounting & Finance Income Tax Certificate (C25800I)
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Students completing the income tax certificate should be able to complete basic tax returns for individuals and sole proprietors,perform basic payroll functions and complete payroll tax forms. Students learn individual tax and are introducedto basic partnerships and corporate tax. Students learn payroll calculation and required payroll tax reporting.
Semester Total: 5 Contact Hour(s)
Semester Total: 4 Credit Hour(s)
Semester Total: 4 Contact Hour(s)
Semester Total: 2 Credit Hour(s)
Semester Total: 4 Contact Hour(s)
Semester Total: 3 Credit Hour(s)
Semester Total: 4 Contact Hour(s)
Semester Total: 3 Credit Hour(s)
Total: 17 Contact Hour(s)
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