Associate Degree Nursing Pathway
General Education
(23 Credit Hours Required)
These courses are contained in Block 1 of the Five Block Degree Plan located within the RN to BSN Articulation Agreement. |
English Composition
(6 Credit Hours Required)
ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry (required) |
(Choose 1 Course) |
ENG 112 Writing/Research in Disciplines |
ENG 114 Prof. Research & Reporting |
Humanities/Fine Arts
(Choose 1 Course)
ART 111 Art Appreciation |
MUS 110 Music Appreciation |
ART 114 Art History I |
MUS 112 Introduction to Jazz |
ART 115 Art History II |
PHI 215 Philosophical Issues |
HUM 115 Critical Thinking |
PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics |
Social/Behavioral Sciences
(Both Required)
PSY 150 General Psychology |
PSY 241 Developmental Psychology |
Natural Sciences
(Required sequence)
BIO 168 Anatomy and Physiology I and BIO 169 Anatomy and Physiology II |
Academic Transition
ACA 122 College Transfer Success |